Lancer Tactical Green Laser w/ Shade
[Y01B01][17763 / CA-428B]New to airsoft? Here are some safety tips for airsoft guns that we recommend following.
External constructed out of a light weight but strong metal, the Lancer Tactical green laser is a definite must on the battle field. Compared to red lasers that blend in with the light during the day, some green lasers are much more definitive and can easily been seen both day and night. The benefits of having a laser, if adjusted properly, is for the user to quickly acquire and engage targets without looking down their sights. Green lasers can also be used to point out buildings or nearby objectives. Included with this laser are two different mounting attachments as well as a pressure switch to easily activate the laser.
Manufacturer: Lancer Tactical
Model: Green Laser
Package Includes: One (1) Laser, Two (2) Attachments, One (1) Pressure Switch

- Specifications
- Manufacturer: Lancer Tactical
- Color: Black
- Material: Metal
- Package Includes: One (1) Green Laser
shade? | 0 answers 2 asked |
Can it fit on a combat raider cm16 that has RIS rails?
Reason I ask is because I'm getting a reflex sight with green and I want a green laser to look cool.
3752 days ago Scott H
(I have this same question)
Staff Answer:
This should be able to fit on most airsoft guns with standard 20mm rails. 3746 days ago 0
1 answers 1 asked |