Condor Outdoor First Response Molle Pouch (Black)
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Condor Outdoor Products Inc. has over 20 years of experience in the tactical/outdoor gear industry; specializing in tactical gear including vests, plate carriers, modular pouches, and packs. They are a licensed Multicam and A-TACS dealer. Condor Outdoor gear has become a staple in law enforcement, military, and airsoft industries given its quality and affordable price. More recently they have expanded to making more of their products in the USA and have added a tactical apparel line, offering technical performance jackets, base layers, and pants.
The Condor Outdoor MOLLE First Response Pouch was designed as a mountable personal first aid kit for soldiers and operators in the field. The rip-away design allows you to quickly access the contents of the pouch or to hand off to friend. Made of durable 600D Nylon, the First Response Pouch is capable of storing all needed medical supplies. Internal webbing keeps everything secure. The included MOD straps allow you to mount the pouch vertical or horizontally as needed.
Manufacturer: Condor Outdoor
Material: 600 Denier
Size: 4.5"H x 6.5"L x 2"D
Color: Black
Package Includes: Pouch
- Rip-Away Design.
- Multiple pockets and elastic loops for storage.
- Double zipper closure.
- Can be mounted vertically or horizontally.
- Wide handle for carrying or rapid removal.
- Includes two (2) MOD straps.
- Specifications
- Manufacturer: Condor Outdoor
- Color: Black
- Size: 4.5"H x 6.5"L x 2"D
- Material: 600D Nylon
- Package Includes: One (1) EMT Pouch
velcro on top flap
does the top of the pouch have a strip for Velcro attaching a red cross patch to it to identify its a medic pouch?
3831 days ago William P
(I have this same question)
Staff Answer:
No it does not 3828 days ago 0
1 answers 1 asked |