Condor Outdoor Dual Flash Bang Molle Pouch (Black)
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Condor Outdoor Products Inc. has over 20 years of experience in the tactical/outdoor gear industry; specializing in tactical gear including vests, plate carriers, modular pouches, and packs. They are a licensed Multicam and A-TACS dealer. Condor Outdoor gear has become a staple in law enforcement, military, and airsoft industries given its quality and affordable price. More recently they have expanded to making more of their products in the USA and have added a tactical apparel line, offering technical performance jackets, base layers, and pants.
The Condor Outdoor Double Flash Bang Pouch is the best solution to secure your flash grenades to your vest. Having a specific pouch for these grenades allows you to quickly access and throw, saving time and possibly saving the game.
Manufacturer: Condor Outdoor
Country of Origin: Made in China
Material: 600 Denier
Size: 5" H x 5.50" W x 1.25" D
Weight: 0.41lbs
Color: Black
- Specifications
- Manufacturer: Condor Outdoor
- Color: Black
- Size: 5� H x 5.50� W x 1.25� D
- Material: 600 Denier
- Package Includes: One (1) Dual Flash Bang Pouch
I have been using this pouch for a couple months now and I am happy to say that so far it has worked out great for me. The quality is great and you really cant beat the price on it. I use it for two thunder bs and with the smaller SOUND FLASH shells on them they fit perfect. These are the only shells that fit for me. I put the pouch so that it opens downward since it is easier and quicker to pull the thunder bs out for me. I guess it would be personal preference that just seemed more natural. The buckles seem to be of good quality and are not too loud either. I would feel very confident recommending this to anyone in need of securing a couple flash grenades.
Great quality. For the price you really cant beat it.
Buckles are quiet and very secure.
Thunder B with the small SOUND FLASH shells fit like they were made for eachother.
I really cant think of any cons to this. All things considered the price is right and quality is as you would expect out of Condor. I guess if you really want to fit the larger thunder b shells you will need to find a different pouch because they will not fit.
Will a tornado grenade fit in this holster
3917 days ago Tyler A
(I have this same question)
Staff Answer:
It should fit, it just may be tight. 3916 days ago 0
1 answers 1 asked |