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Blackwater BW1200 LR Gas Sniper Airsoft Rifle *

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Top Airsoft Questions Sniper Rifle Edition Article
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The Blackwater BW1200 LR Gas Sniper Rifle is a green gas operated sniper rifle OEM'd by KJW. The BW1200 LR shoots harder, straighter, and more reliable than most of their other GBB guns. The action and specifications on this rifle are extremely realistic. The magazine cannot be released unless the bolt has been pulled back. The hammer resets as soon as the bolt has been pulled up, and the hammer indicator on the back of the bolt is functional for safety purposes. Not only does this rifle perform and look fantastic, it's also very functional too. The rear sight is adjustable for windage and elevation, it can also be removed to make way for a scope to be mounted on the rail beneath it. The front iron sight is also attached to the gun via dovetail mount, and can be removed if needed. There are also multiple studs for sling and bipod attachments. Also, the hop up is adjustable to accommodate for different weight BBs. This is the sniper rifle for those that are looking for a little bit more "kick" than the usual spring powered snipers, and won't break the bank.

Manufacturer: KJW
Magazine Capacity: 10 BB
System: Bolt action/Gas
Hop-Up: Adjustable
Package Includes: Gun, Magazine, Manual

Please Note:

  • Gas is NOT included.
  • Product does NOT include Bipod or Scope

Manufacturer: Cybergun
Muzzle Velocity: 400-450 FPS
Magazine Capacity: 10rds
Fire Mode: Safe - Single
Color: Olive Drab
Material: Polymer
Package Includes: Gun, Magazine

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Green gas?
Green gas or co2

3210 days ago
Coleman K

(I have this same question)
Staff Answer:
Green gas as stated in the item highlights

3209 days ago
1 answers
1 asked
What silencers are good 0 answers
1 asked
What is the range on the gun? 0 answers
1 asked
aditional mags?= 0 answers
2 asked
scope and bipod?
does it come with the scope and bipod? if so, what magnification is the scope?

3572 days ago
Dylan H

(I have this same question)
Staff Answer:
It does not include bipod or scope

3572 days ago
1 answers
1 asked

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Search Tags: Sniper Accuracy Polymer Furniture Scope Mount Upgradable Tanaka M700 Compatible 10rd 700 m700 Magazine Blackwater BW1200 LR Gas Sniper Airsoft Rifle
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